Photo of a Korean developer with Unity on his smartphone

Meet the Team: Jongwon Lee, Unity Developer at GG56 Korea

Today, for our second episode of Meet the Team, we’re catching up with Jongwon Lee, the talented Unity Developer at GG56 Korea! He is working closely with Nikita and the other developers on the FingeRate app to make it as pleasant and useful as possible!

Picture of Jongwon Lee standing next to GG56 Korea Logo in Gangnam

Q: Good morning Jongwon, how are you doing today?

Mondays usually require a bit of a warm-up for me to get started but I’m doing well, thank you!

Q: Happy to hear that! Could you introduce yourself briefly to our readers?

There is not much to say except that I’m one of the Unity Developers at GG56 Korea.

Q: Straight to the point, isn’t it? How about your tasks? What do you do exactly here?

I’m currently in charge of the development and maintenance of the FingeRate app. I develop features that make the app accessible internationally by implementing new languages.

Q: So it is basically thanks to you that our users can use the app in English, right?

Not only me! We are a team so I should give some credit to my colleagues as well.

Q: Love this spirit! And what do you sometimes find challenging in your job?

That’s a great question! In the past, senior developers learned concepts by directly referring to books and other supports. Nowadays, with the abundance of tools like Google and GPT, grasping new ideas has become much more accessible. As a developer with just a year of experience, adopting fresh techniques may pose a challenge. However, with dedication and time, I believe it won’t be a major hurdle in the long run. So I just have to keep it up, I guess?

An employee of GG56 Korea standing next to the FingeRate bot

Q: I love your positivity! And what do you find the most rewarding about your job?

I’m relatively new to the company and the app is still under development so I haven’t had many rewarding moments yet. However, I think I will feel extremely proud when the app’s features are seamlessly implemented without any bugs.

Q: How about the interview process? How was it?

To be honest with you, the interview caught me off guard – my interviewer turned out to be a foreigner. While I had prepared myself for various technical questions, I hadn’t expected this. English isn’t my strong suit, so my confidence wavered, and I wasn’t overly optimistic about landing the job. However, against the odds, I was fortunate enough to secure the position.

Q: Seems like you’re better at English than you think! And to conclude this interview, could you tell us what is your favorite app and why?

Honestly, I’ve been really interested in the FingeRate app! It might sound a bit generic, but as a developer, I just can’t help but be fascinated by what FingeRate has to offer.

And that’s it for Jongwon! Keep an eye on our social media (LinkedIn and Facebook) and blog for more insights into our team here at GG56 Korea.

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