
Avoid These Common Survey Design Mistakes

As we’ve often said, surveys are a powerful tool for collecting first-party data and understanding your target audience better. However, if not designed well, they can drive potential participants away! How, you ask? Imagine clicking on a survey only to be greeted by a ton of questions. You’d probably feel too lazy to answer them all because it takes too much time and effort. That’s exactly what you should avoid doing!

Of course, we understand you might have plenty of questions, but asking all of them at once is a big mistake! We know it can be tricky to build an engaging yet relevant survey for your organization, but no worries. At FingeRate, we’ve compiled all the most common mistakes you should avoid if you want to become a pro of surveys:

  • Don’t ask useless questions: Cut straight to the point! Stick to what’s truly relevant. If details like age or location don’t directly impact your goals, skip them. Your respondents will appreciate it!
  • Don’t forget to explain the reason for the survey: People want to know how their feedback will be used. Without establishing trust, they may hesitate to share their insights with you. That’s why you need to clearly state the survey’s goal, what information you need, and how their answers will contribute to improving your organization. And remember, let them know the expected time commitment. A survey should not take longer than 10 minutes to complete!
  • Don’t forget the introduction: Write a compelling introduction. It sets the tone for the survey experience- just like when you meet someone for the first time and smile to make the person feel better! An inviting introduction makes respondents more likely to participate. Without it, they might leave before answering the first question!
  • Don’t ask too many open-ended questions: Ever heard of the “Choice Paradox”? Too many open-ended questions can overwhelm participants. Balance them with multiple-choice questions. It keeps the survey engaging and makes data analysis easier for you – thanks us later! Also, avoid leading questions to keep responses neutral.
  • Don’t only focus on your current audience: Understand your potential customers. They’re key to growing your customer base. Avoid asking questions meant for your current customers. Instead, focus on prospects to turn them into loyal customers later.
  • Don’t forget to make the experience enjoyable: Design a survey that’s enjoyable to take. Use colors and layout that match your brand. And don’t forget mobile compatibility. There’s nothing worse than a question form which cannot be open on your phone, many people will just give up and leave.
  • Don’t use generic surveys: It should reflect who you are as an organization. It’s a chance to connect with your audience. Don’t just use a template. Make it unique and fun to look at!

If you follow these tips, you’ll be on the right path to helping your organization take its next big step! Remember, the key to survey success is staying true to yourself and respecting people’s time. We hope crafting your questionnaire will be as enjoyable as you make it look. Good luck!

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