FingeRate App: The Newest Version is Out!

FingeRate App: The Newest Version is Out!

Hey FingeRate fam, We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest update, FingeRate App Version 3.4.1! Packed with exciting new features, improved optimization, and an improved user experience, this update is designed to make your couponing experience smoother and more enjoyable than ever before. And the best part? It’s now available for free…

Quest Event Winner Announcement [24/05/02]

퀘스트 이벤트 당첨자 발표 [24/05/02]

Hey there, FingeRate Fam! Can you believe it’s already been 13 days since our special event began? Time flies when you’re having fun! And as most of you guessed, the right answer was “Quiz”! Drumroll, please! It’s finally time to announce the lucky winners! Remember, the winners will receive a Starbucks Iced Cafe Americano (Tall)…

You can now find MSOT (BTour Chain) on’s DeFi Wallet
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crypto.com의 DeFi 월렛에서 MSOT(BTour Chain)을 만나보세요!

We are excited to announce that our very own token, MSOT, has officially made its debut on’s DeFi Wallet! This integration marks a significant milestone in our journey while empowering our community with greater accessibility and security for their assets. The DeFi Wallet stands as a beacon of innovation in the world of…

Hand holding a check mark
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What is a Survey To Earn (S2E) Platform? We tell you everything about it!

Survey to Earn platforms, also known as Paid Survey platforms, have become integral components of the digital landscape. Loved by users for their additional income opportunities and prized by companies for their insights, these platforms offer a win-win solution benefiting all parties involved (yes, win-win situations are still a thing!).

In today’s digital market, we all understand the importance of a reliable source of data stream for business growth. And it happens that Survey To Earn apps, such as the FingeRate app, are perfect for that!

Two individuals displaying a five-star rating symbol.
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Why are reviews important for your business?

Imagine you’re in a new city searching for a place to grab dinner. You pull out your phone and start scrolling through restaurant options. As you browse, what holds your attention? Chances are, it’s not just the flashy website or enticing menu – it’s the reviews. Sounds like you, right?

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, where trust is paramount, positive reviews can be the difference between a thriving business and one struggling to attract customers. They have become not just a bonus but a necessity for businesses looking to succeed.

What is a location-based service (LBS)? Everything you need to know!
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What is a location-based service (LBS)? Everything you need to know!

In the dynamic landscape of data-driven decision-making, Location-Based Services (which are also known as LBS) emerge as a tool ensuring the accuracy and reliability of information. As businesses increasingly rely on data for strategic insights, understanding the role of LBS in maintaining data quality becomes extremely important. What is LBS? LBS stands for Location-based services….