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PragoData a.s. and GG56 Korea Partner to Introduce FingeRate Solutions Across Visegrád Group

In a move towards international collaboration and technological advancement, PragoData a.s. and GG56 Korea have officially inked a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to introduce FingeRate solutions across the Visegrád Group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia). This strategic partnership represents a significant step forward for both companies in their shared mission to address the evolving needs of clients in the European market.

PragoData a.s., a renowned IT company headquartered in the heart of the Czech Republic, specializes in the operation, development, and integration of cutting-edge systems. With a proven track record of delivering innovative solutions, PragoData has emerged as a trusted leader in the field and is a partner of choice for GG56.

On the other hand GG56, which was founded by the former Korean Prime Minister Han Seung-soo, brings to the table its expertise and solutions, namely the FingeRate app and the FingeRate bot.

The FingeRate solutions, commonly known as the FingeRate ecosystem, consist of the FingeRate app, a Survey-to-Earn mobile application utilizing a location-based system to collect customer feedback and opinions, offering rewards in return. The FingeRate Bot touchless survey kiosk, leveraging AI technology to streamline the survey-taking experience, enhancing efficiency and user satisfaction, while minimizing traditional pain points.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, partnerships like the one forged between PragoData and GG56 serve as a testament to the power of collaboration in driving innovation and progress. With a shared vision for the future, these two companies are poised to leave a lasting impact on the European tech landscape, setting new standards of excellence in the industry and beyond.

For more details on this partnership, please contact:

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