Photo of a Korean developer standing next to GG56 Korea logo

Meet the Team: Unity 개발자 이준하님을 소개합니다

Meet the Team is back with a new interview! Today, we’re meeting with Lee Jun-ha, another talented Unity Developer at GG56 Korea. He is working with both Nikita and Jongwon to make your experience on the FingeRate app as good as possible! Q: Hello, Junha Lee, how are you doing today? I’m doing well, thank…

Two individuals displaying a five-star rating symbol.
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Why are reviews important for your business?

Imagine you’re in a new city searching for a place to grab dinner. You pull out your phone and start scrolling through restaurant options. As you browse, what holds your attention? Chances are, it’s not just the flashy website or enticing menu – it’s the reviews. Sounds like you, right?

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, where trust is paramount, positive reviews can be the difference between a thriving business and one struggling to attract customers. They have become not just a bonus but a necessity for businesses looking to succeed.

What is a location-based service (LBS)? Everything you need to know!
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What is a location-based service (LBS)? Everything you need to know!

In the dynamic landscape of data-driven decision-making, Location-Based Services (which are also known as LBS) emerge as a tool ensuring the accuracy and reliability of information. As businesses increasingly rely on data for strategic insights, understanding the role of LBS in maintaining data quality becomes extremely important. What is LBS? LBS stands for Location-based services….

Photo of a Korean developer with Unity on his smartphone

Meet the Team: Unity 개발자 이종원님을 소개합니다

Today, for our second episode of Meet the Team, we’re catching up with Jongwon Lee, the talented Unity Developer at GG56 Korea! He is working closely with Nikita and the other developers on the FingeRate app to make it as pleasant and useful as possible! Q: Good morning Jongwon, how are you doing today? Mondays…

Multiple question marks in a corporate setting

What are the differences between Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Questions?

Ever found yourself scratching your head over whether to use open-ended or closed-ended questions in your surveys? You’re definitely not the only one! Each type brings its own flavor to the table. Today, let’s dive into the world of questions and discover which style might be the perfect fit for your next survey adventure. First,…

GG56's CEO Young-kun Kim together with Saburo Morishita (Rokkenya) and Jeon Sam-gu (Doublechain).
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GG56 collaborates with Rokkenya and DoubleChain

Gangnam, Seoul, Date: December 18, 2023 – In a significant move set to dynamize the blockchain industry, GG56 Korea and Rokkenya have inked a Letter of Intent (LOI) to collaborate on the development of the project. The signing ceremony, held in the bustling district of Gangnam, Seoul, marked a confluence of visions between two industry leaders….

GG56 delegation during the International Finance Forum (IFF) Annual Conference in 2023

GG56 at the IFF Annual Conference of 2023

On October 20th, 2023, a delegation comprising key figures from GG56 Korea Ltd. participated in the 20th International Finance Forum (IFF) Annual Conference held in Nansha, Guangzhou, China. Led by our founders, Han Seung-soo and Kim Young-kun, this event marked a significant milestone for our activities in China and the development of our subsidiary’s project:…

Group of Koreans standing in front of the audience

GG56’s CEO Takes Center Stage at the Special Autonomy Era Tourism Symposium

In a recent event held in Gangwon Special Autonomous City, a compelling case for in-depth consideration of shifting the “tourism paradigm” through the 3rd amendment of the Gangwon Special Law was put forth. Gangwon Special Autonomous Province, along with Gangwon Tourism Foundation and Gangwon Ilbo, convened the “Special Autonomy Era Tourism Symposium” on November 2,…

GG56 and Solidea CEOs standing next to each other after signing a MoA

GG56 and Solidea sign Memorandum of Agreement to collaborate on NFT promotion and sales

Gangnam, Seoul, Date: October 13, 2023 – GG56 Korea and the Korean company Solidea have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). This agreement outlines their joint efforts to market and sell GG56 Korea’s NFT collection both domestically and internationally. The MoA was signed at GG56 Korea’s Gangnam offices by the co-founder and CEO of GG56 Korea,…